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Men Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Signs & Treatment Options

Aug 23, 2023

Cancer Care

men breast cancer

Have you ever wondered if men can get breast cancer? The answer is yes. Males can have breast cancer. Male breast cancer is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the breast tissue of men, and their chances of developing this type of cancer are around 1 in 1,000. Men’s breast cancer is the same as women’s breast cancer, although it’s very uncommon for the malignancies to target the regions of the body that produce and store milk.

Men's breast cancer mostly occurs in older men, and there is a high chance for a cure if the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage. In this article, you will learn more about male breast cancer with its symptoms, signs, and treatment.

Types of Men's Breast Cancer

This type of cancer mostly occurs in the breast ducts, which are tubes connecting the lobules to the nipple. Listed below are the types of men breast cancer:

  • Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)- Cancer cells proliferate in the duct lining of your breasts. The term "in situ" refers to the fact that the cells have not spread to other areas of your breast or the rest of your body.
  • Invasive ductal carcinoma- Nearly 90% of men's breast cancers are of this type and are considered the most common type of breast cancer. Cancer develops in the ducts of your breast and spreads to other regions of your breast. In this, cancer cells may spread to other parts of your body as well.
  • Lobular breast cancer- Also known as invasive lobular carcinoma, these cancer cells mostly form in the lobules. Lobular breast cancer, like invasive ductal carcinoma, can spread to other regions of the body.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Men?

Patients may notice physical changes in their breast tissue as one of the first noticeable signs of this type of cancer. Listed below are some of the major signs of breast cancer in men:

  • There is a thickening or a painless lump in your breast tissue.
  • Discharge from your nipple.
  • Red or flaky nipples.
  • Dimpling, puckering, redness, or scaling of the skin covering your breast.
  • A nipple that is sunken inward rather than sticking out.

Which Men Are More Likely to Get Breast Cancer?

The chances of men developing breast cancer under the age of 35 are extremely rare. These chances go up as you age. Men get breast cancer mostly between the ages of 60 and 70.

Listed below are some factors that raise the odds of men’s breast cancer:

  • If there is a radiation history
  • In-take of estrogen
  • Suffering from cirrhosis, a severe liver disease
  • Obesity
  • Breast enlargement caused by pharmacological or hormone therapy, certain diseases, or toxins
  • Suffering from testicular diseases like mumps orchitis, a testicular injury, or an undescended testicle.

What Causes Male Breast Cancer?

Male breast cancer occurs due to uncontrolled cell growth in the breast tissues. Tumors occur when healthy cells transform into cancerous ones. Cancer cells, unlike healthy cells, grow fast and do not die. Cells from the tumor may eventually break out and move to other regions of your body via your lymphatic system or circulation. Metastatic cancer refers to cancer that has spread to other regions.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Breast Cancer


The healthcare provider will use the same methods to diagnose male breast cancer as done in the case of women with breast cancer. They will perform various tests that include:

  • Physical exam- Your doctor will examine your breast tissue for skin changes, lumps, and other abnormalities.
  • Mammography- The majority of male breast cancers may be detected via mammograms. A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray that photographs your breast tissue
  • Biopsy- A biopsy will be performed by your healthcare provider to check for cancer cells in your breast tissue. Your doctor will extract tissue from the tumor and send it to a lab for testing during this operation.


Treatment for men’s breast cancer is mostly the same as for women's breast cancer. Treatment for breast cancer that has spread will differ from treatment for cancer that is contained to your breast and lymph nodes in certain respects.

These treatments include some of the following:

  • Radiation therapy- Breast cancer radiation therapy employs targeted X-rays or other energy sources to destroy cancer cells. This type of treatment is mostly used in case the cancer is inoperable.
  • Surgery- A mastectomy, in which your entire breast is removed, is the standard treatment for males. Since males and persons born male have less breast tissue, surgery to remove your complete breast (mastectomy) is more usual than surgery to remove only the lump (lumpectomy). Surgery to remove lymph nodes may also be required.
  • Chemotherapy- Chemotherapy employs drugs to destroy cancer cells and halt tumor growth. Chemotherapy may be administered over weeks or months. Chemotherapy may be the primary treatment for men with advanced cancer or cancer that has spread to other regions of the body.

When Should I See My Healthcare Provider About Male Breast Cancer?

If you observe changes in your chest that might indicate breast cancer, see your physician as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment can improve your prognosis significantly. When it comes to treating breast cancer, early detection, and treatment make all the difference.

Why Choose Chesapeake Oncology Hematology Associates?

We provide comprehensive male breast cancer treatment for all types and stages of cancer. At our center, you will find:

  • Advanced imaging for the diagnosis of male breast cancer
  • Access to new and promising treatment and care
  • Doctors who are experts in their fields

Get Your Best Male Breast Cancer Treatment with Us in Maryland

If you are suffering from male breast cancer and searching for the best cancer treatment in Maryland, then Chesapeake Oncology Hematology Associates (COHA) can be your choice. Our experts provide the best treatment for male breast cancer. Our skilled team of board-certified oncologists will ensure that you receive the best possible care based on your needs, from screening and diagnosis through treatment and follow-up. Contact us immediately if you have any questions or concerns.

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